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Everything about the American Flag Etiquette


Everything about the American Flag Etiquette

- Affordable Flag | Monday, May 30th, 2022

Etiquettes simply means the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. Flag etiquette
is a customary code to be polite and show respect for the flag which shows patriotism. It is also a demonstration that you are proud of your country.

Talking about US flag etiquette also known as American flag etiquettes. US flag etiquettes are the general code of being polite and showing respect to the flag. It determines your respect and love towards your nation.


Why flag codes?

Flag codes are symbols of respect and admiration towards the flag and they are also a federal law which must be followed. There are various flag codes and etiquettes formally listed that everyone should follow and respect at the same time. It symbolizes how much the citizens of the country follow and acclaim the flag codes and its etiquettes. Flag codes also come with penalties for violation of any of its provisions.


US flag codes

There are various sets of US flag codes that everyone should follow while handling the US flag. There are numerous DO’s and DON’Ts as well. Some of the US flag codes are:-


  • When a patriotic effect is needed or desired the flag may be displayed 24 hours from sunrise to sunset.
  • The US flag must be placed above other flags.
  • The US flag should be placed on observers left during a marching ceremony or parade.
  • On special days, the flag may be flown at half-staff.
  • On Memorial Day it is flown at half-staff until noon and then raised.
  • When placed on a Podium the flag should be placed on the speaker’s right or the staging area. Other flags should be placed to the left.


  • The flag should not touch the ground.
  • The flag should not be turned upside down unless it’s an emergency.
  • Never carry things in the flag or put the flag flat.
  • Do not use the flag to cover or as clothing.
  • Flags should not be stored in a place where they can get dirty.
  • Do not draw on the flag.
  • The flag should never be used as decoration.
  • The US Flag must not be dipped for any person, flag, or vessel.

And many more as well. The above mentioned were the US flag codes of handling of the flag. There are even some flag codes while saluting the flag and even while discarding the flag as well.

  • While saluting the flag: Members of the armed forces and veterans should be present in uniform should render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.
  • While disposing of the flag: The flag must be folded in the triangle for disposing of it but never wadded up or should be folded in its customary manner. The fire must be fairly large and efficient to ensure the complete burning. Place it on fire, salute and recite the pledge of allegiance. After the flag is completely disposed of, the fire must be extinguished.


Observation about US flags code

Observing the US flag codes, it determines the respect of the citizens towards the country and the country flag itself. Also it reflects how much the citizens and government are really conscious about the flag codes and its etiquettes. It also shows the active participation of citizens in implementing the federal laws. And a flag is mostly present i n each and every in each and every residential, commercial and governmental residence in the USA which shows the dedication and respect towards the nation and the flag itself. Furthermore the flag codes and etiquettes includes how the flag must be handled.

If you want to know more about Flag etiquettes or American flag etiquettes, or need to purchase any kind of flag of the United States, flagpoles, and fireworks in good quality and affordable price, then AFFORDABLE FLAGS AND FIREWORKS, INC is your one stop flags solution. We provide you with the best quality Affordable flags flagpoles along with installation and maintenance services. So GIVE US A CALL and GET AN ESTIMATE OR CONSULTATION for your new flags and flagpoles as required.

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